There baaaaaack...
So I guess its about time to write something in this lame excuse for a blog. To my story from where I left off. I have come to except the nature of my job even though it strongly conflicts with my personality. I like to be able to see far into the future planning my actions ahead of time. This job does not allow me to do that. As I have written countless times in my blog I have anxiety. When you don't know when samples are going to come in, or not going to come in, or going to come in in mass numbers, or all going to be rush for the next day... Well it can be stressful for me. So today we got a total of 100 samples in. Wow I just realized it was an even 100?! Anyway, I got 15 this morning no big deal. I was able to have them done by 5pm. Around 3:30pm we got 85 samples. Now I knew these were coming so I was prepared for them (mentally, well because there's nothing I can really do to speed up prepping and running). Today and exactly 5:30pm I left my work with 85 samples to do. I have plenty of time to do them and there is no rush. In the past, as you can see below, I would stay until 10pm working on such samples even when I would not need to. So I see today as a big step towards me learning to deal with my job and not let it rule my life. Sorry, that was shorter in my head.
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